Saving Lives in the Wilderness

Summer classes are forming now.  The dates and locations will be determined by enrollees.  As interested parties select a location that’s best for them, we’ll coordinate a date that works for everyone.

This one day course is all about muscle memory.  Instruction and demonstration, then you put the new skills to work.  Building your confidence and ability to respond to a wide variety of rescue situations is our goal. 

Course fee: $125.00 which covers all materials, certificate through North Coast Fire & EMS Training, plus Continuing Education Units upon request at no extra charge.  The minimum class size is 6.  If the class reaches a total of 10 or more, everyone receives a 10% discount.  Time: 9am – 4pm

Included skill sets are as follows:  (others will be included)

  • Trip preparation and preplanning.
  • Essentials for your first aid kit.
  • Bleeding control –  All body locations will be considered using one or several of the following options: Direct pressure & elevation, tourniquet, hemostatic gauze, and pressure dressing.
  • Spinal injuries – Assessment, C-spine precautions, clearing C-spine in the field, transport considerations.
  • Fractures – Assessment, treatment, and reduction technique.
  • Dislocations – Reduction techniques
  • Patient preparation and transport
  • Wound care – Assessment, cleaning, debridement, packing, and infection control.
  • Injured patient transport
  • Patient Assessment – Mechanism of Injury (MOI), SAMPLE and head-to-toe exam.
  • Varied patient assessment and treatment scenarios.
  • Hyper/Hypothermia management
  • Rattlesnake bites – the do’s and the absolute don’ts
